Why Should We Try to Reduce Food Waste?

Up to 40% of food in the US gets wasted which adds up to an astounding 325 pounds of food per person every year.  That’s 170 million metric tons of CO2e which adds up to about 42 coal fired power plants.  Food waste isn’t just a social problem; when we waste food, we also waste water, labor, transportation, and energy. And when food ends up rotting in landfill, it releases noxious methane gas, a harmful pollutant. With skyrocketing food prices, average people are looking for ways to lower their food costs. We are here to help. 

WildAid teamed up with The James Beard Foundation and The School of the Visual Arts to create a national ad campaign to show people some accessible ways to reduce food waste and at the same time save money, enjoy tasty meals and step more lightly on our planet.

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